- Supporting childhood bereavement with a Sirona Foundation Grant
- Tortworth Arboretum improving health with a Sirona Foundation Grant.
- Mad Hoops Score with a Sirona Foundation Grant
- Portishead Doing Well with a Sirona Foundation Grant
- Liveskills, Learning for Living get a boost from the Sirona Foundation!
- Hartcliffe City Farm doing well with a Sirona Foundation grant.
- The Marmalade Trust Christmas Cheer supported by the Sirona Foundation
- Steppin Sistas get moving with a grant from the Sirona Foundation
- BRICKS Project are over the rainbow to receive a grant from the foundation
- Growing Well in Hilfields project gets a boost from the Sirona Foundation
- The Foundation Grant gives The Grace Period Project a boost
- Sirona care & health’s Health Links Team receive a grant
- The Sirona Speech and Language Team project gets the go ahead
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